Channel - Trauma Rounds
1/2/2024 6:10:50 PM

Channel Videos

Trauma Rounds: Writing for Publication
Speaker: Judy Mikhail, PhD, MBA, RN Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Trauma Nursing Program Manager, Michigan Trauma Quality Improvement Program University of Michigan Disclosures: None Objectives: • Identify the outline of a scholarly article, including how to formulate a compelling introduction, effectively discuss methods, present results, and conclude with a powerful discussion that can stimulate further research. • Employ strategies for clarity, conciseness and precision in one’s writing, including identifying and rectifying common pitfalls such as passive voice, excessive jargon or verbosity. • Familiarize oneself with the submission and publication process, including publication ethics and the stages of peer review.
Various Presenters
12/7/2023 2:06:30 PM

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