GHI Grand Rounds: DOAC's and the New Factor XI Anti-thrombotic Therapies
Title: Cardiology Grand Rounds: Lessons Learned from DOAC's and the New Factor XI Anti-thrombotic Therapies Being Studied Speaker: Manesh R. Patel, MD Chief, Division of Cardiology Co-Director, Duke Heart Center Duke Clinical Research Institute Duke University, Durham, NC Disclosures: Research Grants: PACIFIC-AF: Bayer, Janssen, Heartflow, Idorsia, NHLBI, Novartis Advisory Board/Consulting: Bayer, Janssen, Heartflow, Medscape Objectives: •Understand the Net-Benefit of Warfarin and then NOACs in AFib •Understand the use of NOACs and limitations •Understand the Factor XI therapy and promise in A. Fib
Various Presenters
9/18/2023 10:18:34 PM

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