IM Grand Rounds: Finerenone, a novel nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid-receptor antagonist and its recommended use in patients with Type 2 diabetes and CKD
Today's Speaker: Sahil Parag, DO IM Resident, PGY-3 Objectives: 1. Understand the mechanism of action of Finerenone, and how it differs from currently used mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists 2. Identify patients that may benefit from addition of this medication 3. Understand adverse effects and monitoring for these patients 4. Identify the recommendations for specific population that may benefit from use of this medication along with current guidelines 5. Understand patients who this medication would be contraindicated despite have ckd and diabetes
Sahil Parag MD, IM Resident, PGY-3
3/10/2023 5:00:00 PM

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