GHI Grand Rounds : J. Eduardo Rame
Title: Comprehensive Care of the Cardiomyopathy Patient: From Pillars that Sustain to Buttresses that Assist Presented by: J. Eduardo Rame, MD, MPhil, FAHA, FESC Director of Advanced Heart Failure & Cardiac Transplant Thomas Jefferson University Division of Cardiology, Philadelphia, PA Financial Disclosure: Co-Primary Investigator ReSTAGE HF (Thoratec, now Abbott, Inc) Primary Investigagor ADVANCE and ENDURANCE (HeartWare, now Medtronic Inc) National PI: SoPRANO (Macitentan post LVAD, Jannsen) Objectives: 1. To describe the different adaptations of human heart failure 2. To describe the potential for myocardial recovery 3. To describe the pillars of heart failure therapy
Various Presenters
9/5/2023 8:31:01 PM

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